Canada Revenue Agency website
CRA - All Rates
Payment options for individuals and businesses
Employers’ Guide: Taxable Benefits and Allowances
The CPP enhancement
Payroll deductions and contributions
Government of Canada-Taxes
Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsman
Start Up Canada
Business Development Bank of Canada
Export Development Canada
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Bank of Canada
Ontario Ministry of Labour / Employment Standards
WSIB Ontario
Employer Health Tax
Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Ontario College of Trades
Tax Related Updates:
Some foreign-based digital economy businesses will begin charging GST/HST on July 1, 2021
About the digital news subscription tax credit
Home office expenses for employees
Warning: Watch out for bad-debt tax schemes!
Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)
Educational Assistance Payments (EAPs)
Canada Summer Jobs 2020 temporary flexibilities for employers
COVID-19 Related Links:
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
Changes to taxes and benefits: CRA and COVID-19
BDC - COVID-19 Resource Guide for Business
The Government of Canada launches online calculator to help businesses apply for the new Canada Recovery Hiring Program
The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Application Process
FAQ - Canada emergency wage subsidy (CEWS)
FAQ – Temporary wage subsidy for employers: CRA and COVID-19
What is the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)?
COVID–19: CECRA for small businesses
Ontario-Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program
Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy Online Calculator (CERS)
Canada Emergency Response Benefit
Canada Recovery Benefits
Applications for the Canada Recovery Benefit
Support for Students and Recent Graduates Impacted by COVID-19
Canada Student Loans – COVID-19
Ontario Businesses: get help with Covid-19 costs
Ontario Small Business Support Grant
Sending information via e-mail attachment is quick and easy but is open to
the risk that someone other than the intended recipient can intercept it.
This can be a serious problem if the information contained within the attachment
is sensitive or confidential. To help you keep the contents of your e-mails
secure, below are some instructions on how to encrypt one or more files so that
you can send it safely.
Encrypting and emailing your file(s)
To increase the level of security, we also suggest that you encrypt the file
before sending it via email. Encryption is a software tool that uses "scrambling"
to make data unreadable. Once a message is encrypted, it will appear as a
meaningless garble of characters to anyone except the person who has the password
to unscramble it.
Your Microsoft Windows 10 has a build-in file encryption feature in File Explorer.
Follow the steps below:
(If you have multiple files to send, you can first create a folder and copy all
files into this newly created folder. You can then select and encrypt the folder
instead of individual files.)
- Launch 'File Explorer' using the Start menu (Start - Windows System - File Explorer).
- In the 'File Explorer' locate the file/folder that you want to encrypt.
- Once you have located the file/folder you want to encrypt, select it by clicking it once.
- With the file highlighted, right click and select 'Compress and email'.
- This will open a new window called 'Archive name and parameters'.
- Select 'Archive Format' to 'Zip' or 'RAR'.
- The 'Archive name" defaults to the same name as your original file with 'Zip' or 'RAR' file extension.
You can change it to a different name if you want.
- At the bottom of the right, click 'Set password...'.
- This will open a new window called 'Enter password', where you can setup your
own secure password. Click 'OK' when done.
- Verify all the information and click 'OK' to proceed with encryption and emailing.
You can now send the file/folder as an email attachment but remember not to include the
password in the same email.
Opening an encrypted file
To open an encrypted file via email attachment you will need to know password for
the encrypted file. Enter the password when prompted by 'File Explorer'.
Best Practices
Make passwords hard to guess (6-12 characters in length, at least one capital
letter and at least one symbol).
NEVER send out passwords in the same email as the encrypted file(s).
Always confirm the identity of the recipient before releasing passwords.
Inform recipients of passwords either face to face, by telephone or in a separate email.